Jerry and Maria Greene Endowed Pharmacy Scholarship

To support a 2nd year Pharmacy student with a Baccalaureate degree minimum of 2.5 GPA and California resident.
Must hold office in a Pharmacy related association and be involved in interests outside of pharmacy school, such as, but not limited to humanitarianism, music, sports, etc. Preference is given to a naturalized immigrant, or descendant of a naturalized immigrant.

Jerry and Maria Greene
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Science
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you now have a baccalaureate degree?
  2. Are you a California resident?
  3. Briefly describe your involvement of activities outside of pharmacy school, such as, but not limited to, humanitarian, music, sports, etc.
  4. Do you currently hold an office in a pharmacy-related association?
  5. Are you a naturalized immigrant or a descendant of naturalized immigrant parents?