Carolyn Hultgren Endowed K.I.D.S Scholarship for Physical Therapy

This scholarship is given to students who are in the first or second year of the program with a GPA of at least 3.5 and a demonstrated interest in the California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA).

up to $2,500.00
Department of Physical Therapy
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you have a current high academic standing?
  2. Do you have current interest in CPTA (California Physical Therapy Association)?
  3. Please submit a 250 - 500 word essay by the deadline describing your qualifications for this scholarship by addressing the following areas: 1) What has been your involvement, or the involvement of the person you are nominating, in CPTA to date? 2) What is your plan, or the plan of the person you are nominating, for future involvement in CPTA?, and 3)Why do you or the person you are nominating believe it is important to be involved in CPTA?