Graduate Student Loan Request

This is the portal that graduate students (as listed below) should use to self-report the number of units for which they are planning to enroll so that their federal student loans can be processed. The offer of federal student loans will be based upon the student’s eligibility and loan program limits.

Please use this portal if you are enrolling in the Benerd, College of the Pacific, Conservatory, Eberhardt or Engineering programs.

If you are enrolling in Dugoni, McGeorge, Pharmacy or the School of Health Sciences please do not use this portal – you are not required to self-report your expected units.

To apply for federal student loans, you must meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:

1. The 2024-25 FAFSA is required if you are attending in Summer 2025 (Summer FAFSA deadline is June 30, 2025). The 2025-26 FAFSA is also required if you are attending in Fall 2025 and/or Spring 2026. Please submit your FAFSA electronically.
2. You must be eligible to receive Title IV (federal) funds. As a graduate student this generally means:

  • Any existing federal student/parent loans cannot be in active default
  • For the Unsubsidized loan, you must have borrowed less than the aggregate maximum of $138,500
  • For a graduate PLUS loan you must have acceptable credit
  • You must be enrolled a minimum of half time enrollment of 4 units during a given semester

Students can apply for loans throughout the academic year, however; in order to meet payment deadlines you should submit all application materials at least four weeks before your expected enrollment. If you submit your application materials closer to the start of your enrollment you should expect to make your initial payments from your own resources or you may be subject to late fees and/or registration cancellation.

Your request will be reviewed within 10-14 days after submission. You will be notified by email once your request has been reviewed.

Office of Financial Aid